June 15, 2024

jan 4, 1934 - Ghandi & Holst


"She was also attracted to the ideas and personality of Mohandas K. Gandhi, India's saintly "Mahatma" and an advocate of political independence achieved through non-violent means. Unlike the Russian Revolution, the Indian independence movement never appeared to lose sight of the necessity of keeping ends and means morally connected, and in the 1930s, Roland Holst devoted considerable energies to Gandhi's cause. She established a Dutch Society of the Friends of India, raising funds and spreading the message of Gandhian nonviolence through its bulletin, Friends of India, and spoke about the movement throughout Europe. Throughout the 1930s, she continued to rank Tolstoy and Gandhi as two of the greatest "Heroes of the Spirit" ignored by a morally exhausted Western civilization. In 1935, she praised the great Russian writer in Friends of India: "A God-searcher of immense dimensions, a searcher of truth, that was the real essence of Tolstoi, that he was both in his immortal literary work, and in his apostolical activities." Her sensitive biography of Gandhi would be published in 1947, the year India achieved political independence." (https://www.encyclopedia.com/women/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/roland-holst-henriette-1869-1952)

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jan 4, 1934
~ 90 years ago