June 15, 2024

nov 1, 1905 - Back to China


Jin wrote, "I want to struggle for the success of the revolution—struggle without ceasing. Ever since the Allied invasion [during the Boxer Rebellion], I have cared nothing about my own life and death. Even if I sacrifice myself without achieving success, I can't feel regretful. It's a time of crisis. The great work of restoring China [to the Chinese] cannot be delayed! Up to now, a lot of men have already died, but not many women have. This is a disgrace to the women's circle."

"Upon her return to China, Qiu Jin began melding together her romantic commitment to the Chinese heroic tradition and her modern education. Revolutionaries throughout the lower Yangtze valley were constantly plotting local risings, often hoping that if several of these could flare up simultaneously they would become in effect the match which would light the fuse of national revolution."

"Qiu Jin immediately contacted the revolutionaries in her home area, and she prepared to work simultaneously for armed uprisings and for women's liberation. While teaching Japanese language, science, and hygiene in a girls' school, she encouraged the other teachers to take up the causes of gender equality and nationalism. The principal of the school, Xu Zihua , was an enlightened widow who had fled the maltreatment of her in-laws. She and Qiu Jin became close friends."(https://www.encyclopedia.com/women/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/qiu-jin-c-1875-1907)

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nov 1, 1905
~ 118 years ago