June 15, 2024

22h 6min, jun 18, 1883 y - The Oipientian Constitution is Burned


At 11:06 PM on June 18, 1881, Tsĩvgalè Javik Tothek burned the Oipientian Constitution formed a new committee specifically made to create a new constitution that allowed Tothek to be able to seize absolute power in the republic. It was later written that same night at 12:24 AM and Tothek signed it into law. He later dissolved the Oipientian Senate on June 26, 1881 and officially declared himself as the Absolute Leader of the Oipientian Republic. He deposed many heads of the gov't and placed his supporters in positions of power. This helped him completely seize power and keep control of the gov't completely. He kept elections going but instead of guaranteeing free elections, each one under his administration was rigged to allow him to win. The name "Tothek's Republic" was used to refer to the Oipientian state during this time by foreigners. Tothek began to build secret camps in the barren territories of the nation specifically for his political rivals. Later, these same camps were repurposed by Tsĩvgalè Rekĩ Tasak during his reign of terror in the late 1940s.

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22h 6min, jun 18, 1883 y
~ 141 years ago