June 15, 2024

feb 5, 2020 - The Stifter Report Comes Out


The Stifter Report was a nine paged document written by then 5 Star General Jack Stifter regarding all events that happened during the November Crisis.


The Covenant of Richmond
The November Crisis
The Stifter Report

The November Crisis. 11/02/19
On November 2, 2019, the Covenant’s FBI Director, Chris O’ROurke, received a message from impostors located in Richmond, California. Covenant Headquarters scrambled to find a footing in the situation. Eventually, word got to President Jacob Dittmer and revealed that Director O’Rourke had been compromised. SecDef Logan Lim was taken by the impostors on November 2, 2019. Military General Jack Stifter declared war against the Covenant Impostors on November 2, 2019 and originally labeled the current state as a level alpha. Later changed by President Dittmer to DEFCON 4. At 4:59 PM, President Dittmer officially declared the Covenant as compromised and ordered General Stifter to execute Executive Order 42. All evidence regarding the Covenant was burned by General Stifter on November 2, 2019 at 5:02 PM. Everything except the signings were burned because of liability issues. Later, President Dittmer bought insurance for the Burnings. The President asked for the air force on standby which was granted by General Stifter. Dittmer asked the Assistant FBI Director, Reed Cabral, about SecDef Lim’s location. He was confirmed MIA. General Stifter found a location on Lim in a building near Reg, Afghanistan. Director O’Rourke began sending a drone strike but was soon canceled by President Dittmer and ordered a Navy SEAL team to acquire all evidence on the target. Assistant Director Cabral got a signal from SecDef Lim at 5:28 PM. Assistant Director Cabral reports that Lim was taken as a prisoner in an Afghan Stronghold. Cabral later found out the leader of the afghan forces name and shared the information among the Covenant Operatives. The name of the leader is Luke Simard.
At 5:33 PM, President Dittmer proclaims that top Democrats such as Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer had been identified as Russian and Chinese Assets. 5-Star General Stifter takes immediate action by sending in troops as Assistant Director Cabral shares a photo from the Afghan Force of SecDef Lim with a gun to his head. Covenant Troops got in view at 5:37 PM and entered the building near Reg, Afghanistan at 5:38 PM. President Dittmer upgrades the situation to a DEFCON 3. 5-Star General Stifter shared a sound recording of the skirmish and describes the battle as grim. Operatives were sent to overthrow the Afghanistan Government at 5:45 PM. 5-Star General Stifter requested that tanks be sent in to help out the soldiers on the ground. President Dittmer originally denied the action and then allowed Stifter to send in his tanks. Dittmer called for an airstrike by the nearby F-15 Stealth Strike Fighter Jets. The Air Strike Team revealed they have eyes on the target. Assistant Director Cabral asked if a confirmed location had been found for SecDef Lim. 5S General Stifter replied toCabral’s question as affirmative and that Lim was surrounded by Afghan soldiers. Helicopters were sent by the Afghan Air Force and in response, 5S General Stifter sent F-35A Lightning IIs to attack them. 1-4 General Goodman said that the Afghans had Anti-Air cannons in use shooting at the recently sent in Richmond Jets. 5S General Stifter demanded Goodman to send in more Artillery. President Dittmer shared a photo and sound recording of the Battle of Reg to the Covenant at 5:55 PM. At 5:58, Assistant Director Cabral asked for a status report and 5S General Stifter once again replied, “Forces are being met either heavy ground forces. Though our troops have got the artillery.” President Dittmer also responded to Cabral’s question with the casualties. The Casualties so far for the Battle of Reg were Richmond: 1264 and Afghanistan: 965. 5S General Stifter sent reinforcements to even out the casualties. Dittmer then called for a Status Report on SecDef Lim. Stifter told Dittmer that the Afghans took him out of the building. Reinforcements arrived to the battle at 6:05 PM. Assistant Director Cabral admitted that negotiations with the Afghan leader were under way, yet President Dittmer demanded that Captain Simard be killed. Cabral obliged...
Further reading can be done on the official document online at https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vRVSGOvtc5giL6oEFlUY7P4ULnyjlANs6YLZjMcQbLb8JeL2FPH2DLJ9X0Ksfl0M8FjBwJIdFsPHqie/pub

Added to timeline:


feb 5, 2020
~ 4 years and 4 months ago