April 1, 2024

1 h, may 2, 2011 y - The death of Osuama bin laden


This date hit a lot of Americans as it was the date that the leader of Al-qaeda and the Taliban died by seal team 6 and was brought to an aircraft carrier and dropped in the ocean where his body would soon decay and become fish food for the ocean. Osama was the leading cause of the middle eastern wars with terrorism just because of his attack on the world trade centers at downtown New york city. This one event made me so happy that we caught this man that killed thousands in under an hour over one of the biggest events that hurt america in history. This made me and my happy family after we found out what they did to him and after watching the couple movies about the findings of this operations and the stake out they had on his compound and the people that were in that compound.

Added to timeline:

12 Dec 2017


1 h, may 2, 2011 y
~ 13 years ago