June 15, 2024

may 14, 2020 - Secretary of Defense Jack Stifter Gives the Final Message of the Covenant Speech


My fellow members of the Covenant, the government we formed has become something beautiful. We have taken great care of this small group that it’s a marvel that it has lasted so long. However, our beloved covenant will come to an end. We all know it. We must keep Richmond in our hearts and honor the memory of our sweet Covenant.

Richmond is dying. The bonds that used to keep us together have become worn out. We have all known that Richmond would fall. We just never knew when. Well, it's clear to me now that Richmond is being slowly forgotten and We were all soldiers trying to protect our homeland yet ended up being hurt in the fight to keep it alive. The few patriots of Richmond that haven’t given up in the fight are weak. We all are weak. We all must come together for one last time to decide what will happen to our Covenant. Our decision will either be the death of a nation or the birth of a new era. Our choice is the deciding factor on the future.

The fall of Richmond is inevitable, I know that. But I wanted to at least remind the members of the Great Covenant, of our times together. We were not just friends, but brothers. We stood together in the hardest of times. We stood up for our fallen friends when they were injured. We protected each other from the hurt of others. Yet, now we face the end of it all. Smaller communities will form from the ashes of the Covenant but it will never live up to the memory of our Fatherland.
Richmond was only a second. A second that will never be forgotten. The sacrifices of your brothers and the everlasting memory of the Covenant will stay with you until your dying days.
Richmond will survive, not through the pages, but through our minds. We will travel through hell and back again and again and each time, we will come out stronger than before. We are the iron wall of Richmond that will live on. We are the eternal sons of the Covenant. We are Richmond.

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may 14, 2020
~ 4 years ago