June 15, 2024

jan 1, 1960 - TV popularity


1960’s Then the end of the war, during the 1960’s and around the time that television became very popular in japan, Osama Tezuka, considered the father of modern Manga, became famous through his creation and masterpiece ‘Astro Boy’. After the time of war ended, the General Headwaters of the Allied occupation (GHQ) pulled together 100 anime artists, to form the Shin Nihon Dōgasha, (New Japan Animation Company). The first aim of this company was to steer the purpose of anime away from military purposes, to one of making products that would praise democracy. This effort was highly rebelled against and showed that the switch from Militarism to democracy would not be easy, as the impact that the war had on people, would not be so easily forgiven or forgotten. During the time that Japan was recovering from the devastation of the war, Ōkawa Hiroshi, who was president of the Tōei film company, viewed Disney’s “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, and was in awe of the colour, beauty and spectacular animation. Building a new studio in 1956, more modern than any before, to create a new and productive atmosphere, and founded Tōei Dōga, making his aim to become the East’s version of Disney. The first film that was released by Tōei Dōga was Hakujaden (The Legend of the White Snake). Sending out a research team to America, to invite back several experts to mentor the Japanese animators. As a result, they were able to perfect the Disney system of “assembly-line production”, showing that in the start, it may have been the American influence on Japanese animation, that drew and attracted the American eye to the style and methods of Japanese Anime and Manga, as it was in some areas similar to their methods or styles they were using, and made them think that this is a new and interesting way of making animation, that would be new to a viewer, yet still profitable. During the time of 1965, the series 'Kimba the White Lion', This was an anime show based on the manga, and was created by Mushi Production and was broadcast on Fuji Television from 1965 to 1967. A first the film was admired by the people and many saw it as a treasured film that held many great messages and meanings of togetherness and being part of a family. Then in 1994, when the Americans would then steal this concept and idea, with their version being 'The Lion King', this would again bring up a lot of disgust and anger from the original makers of 'Kimba', and state that the trust and respect that the artists in the studio that made 'Kimba", would now loos respect for America, after the blatant thievery.

Added to timeline:


jan 1, 1960
~ 64 years ago