September 30, 2024

feb 2, 380 - Theodosius I proclaimed Christianity the only religion in Rome


Theodosius was known to be the last Emperor ruling Rome as a whole before the division of Eastern and Western Rome. The declaration of Christianity monopoly was arguably the key to the later downfall of the Roman Empire and its Eastern Continuation (Byzantine). After the declaration, Rome was, within decades, divided into the West that remained at the frontier of old Roman mythology; and the Byzantine, which is a new practical Christian empire. The contrast of beliefs leads to eventual conflicts and continuous warfare. The severe reduction of resources and time that could've been used upon strengthening the infrastructure and the economy was a gradual yet significant reason for such prosperity to succumb. The divided forces was both drained and hopelessly vulnerable to rival civilizations. After being wore thin on the resources, revolutions and infighting occur, undermining the last of the Roman Empire and rendering it to its knees.

Added to timeline:


feb 2, 380
~ 1645 years ago
