April 1, 2024

feb 1, 1998 - BackRub... I mean. Google?


- 1996, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, brought together the millions of websites that made up the internet into what we know as Google today. This was revolutionary. Browsers allowed users to scroll through pages to eventually find what they wanted, but with BackRub, a single search could search the entire internet.

- The dependency on search engines in our online lives is truly remarkable. Now, we don't randomly scroll for information, we type into a browser, or the broswer, Google. On August 17, 2013, all of Google's services briefly shut down for 2 minutes, resulting in 40% of the world's internet traffic to stop. This data truly shows the significance of this event.

- Not only this. PageRank, the brainchild of Brin and Page revolutionized search engines. BackRub was not the first search engine; it was six years too late. However, by using PageRank, which displayed results by the number of link backs from other prominent websites, BackRub, and later Google's algorithm, allowed relevant information to be fished from a sea of millions. No wonder Google is the largest search engine today.

Added to timeline:


feb 1, 1998
~ 26 years ago