June 15, 2024

jan 1, 1919 - Red Summer


the late winter, spring, summer, and early autumn of 1919, which were marked by hundreds of casualties across the United States, of anti-black white supremacist terrorist attacks that occurred in more than three dozen cities. The racial riots against blacks resulted from a variety of postwar social tensions related to the demobilization of veterans of World War I, both black and white, an economic slump, and competition for jobs and housing among ethnic European Americans and African Americans. In addition, it was a time of labor unrest in which some industrialists used black people as strikebreakers, increasing resentment. The riots were extensively documented in the press, which, along with the federal government, feared socialist and communist influence on the black civil rights movement following the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. They also feared foreign anarchists, who had bombed homes and businesses of prominent business and government leaders.

Such events include:
Georgia riot of 1919 (April 13)
Charleston riot of 1919 (May 10)
Longview race riot (July 10-12)
Bisbee riot (July 3)
Garfield Park riot of 1919 (July 14)
Washington race riot of 1919 (July 19-24)
1919 Norfolk race riot (July 21)
Chicago race riot of 1919 (July 27-August 3)
Knoxville Riot of 1919 (August 30-31)
Omaha race riot (September 28-29)
Elaine massacre (September 30-October 1)
Wilmington, Delaware race riot of 1919 (November 13)

Which are just a few of the 60 riots and massacres recorded by the New York Times in 1919.

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People respectfully enquires how long the Federal Government under your administration intends to tolerate anarchy in the United States?
— NAACP telegram to President Woodrow Wilson
August 29, 1919

Added to timeline:


jan 1, 1919
~ 105 years ago