April 1, 2024

mar 9, 1513 - The Election of Giovanni de Medici to the Papacy


Portrait of Pope Leo X with Cardinals Giulio de’Medici and Luigi de Rossi (Raphael, 1518)

For almost a century the Medici family had been the center of power in Florence this power was elevated to new heights with the election of Giovanni di Medici to the Papacy. He assumed the title Leo X and is remembered as one of the worst popes to have held the position. He gave import to the practice of selling letters of indulgence to those who could afford it, forgiving them for their sins and using the proceeds to funds the re-construction of St. Peter’s Basilica. An unflattering likeness of the Pope and his extravagant attire are the only hints to his life of excess that can be found in the work which is otherwise marked by remarkable realism. In depicting Giovanni with two relatives, Giulio would succeed him as Pope, and employing Medici symbols such as the palle (ball) Raphael normalizes the dynastic control of power. The page the Bible is turned to has verses that may be used to justify the reconstruction of the Basilica and Giovanni’s power. Although surprising in hindsight due to Giovanni’s reputation, and unsurprising considering no artist responsible for the papal portrait would’ve been able to besmirch their subject, the painting is a demonstration of how even the most infamously remembered historical figures can be considered absolutely normal by many of their time.

Added to timeline:

2 Dec 2019
An Overview of Important Historical Events In Europe From the Late Medieval to Early Modern Period.


mar 9, 1513
~ 511 years ago


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