June 15, 2024

jul 1, 2015 - Government Contingency Fund - starts


In the 2015 Budget, the Government established a $52.2 million capital contingency fund to facilitate housing development on Crown-owned land in Auckland and $2 million of operational funding to facilitate the process.
It was estimated that the Crown, through various agencies owned around 500 hectares of land in Auckland with the potential for residential development. The fund would enable the Government to select parcels of vacant land from the relevant agency and make it available for development by a private sector partner through a competitive process.
The fund was intended to enable development on land that was already zoned as residential, but with no existing buildings or tenants to manage – meaning houses could be brought to market more quickly. The focus was on boosting supply, including the supply of affordable homes.
The first four sites, comprising 30 hectares of land that were considered for development were:
• 9.5 hectares in Massey East owned by the Ministry of Education and originally set aside for a new high school (capacity 200 homes); and
• three other sites owned by the New Zealand Transport Agency with a combined potential for around 400 homes:
o Manukau with potential for intensive housing close to the city centre and rail link;
o Avondale, zoned for terraced housing or apartments; and
o Brigham Creek Road, off the Upper Harbour motorway.

Source: https://www.msd.govt.nz/about-msd-and-our-work/about-msd/history/social-assistance-chronology-programme-history.html

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jul 1, 2015
~ 8 years and 11 months ago