April 1, 2024

jan 1, 1932 - To Kill A Mockingbird


Summary: Film is set in a racially divided Alabama in 1932. Atticus Finch is a lawyer who is set to defend Tom Robinson, a black man, who is accused of raping a white woman. Tom is innocent of this crime, but the town and all-white jury have already made up their mind of a guilty verdict. Film centers around the trial in which Atticus attempts the almost impossible task of proving Tom's innocence to the racist court.

Racism: Racism was big during the Southern states in the 1930's. When Atticus agreed to defend Tom Robinson, the people in the town harassed and threatened him, calling him a "nigger lover." Atticus feels that it is morally right to defend an innocent man, even if he is black and if it puts him and his family at risk from the racist townspeople. Throughout the trial, it has become clear that Tom is in fact innocent, but the jury still reveals a guilty verdict. What really happened was that Tom had helped the victim, Mayella Ewell, and she tried to kiss him. Mayella's father, Bob, saw what happened and badly beat her because he was horrified of her daughter having interracial feelings. As a cover up, they made up the story that Tom raped and beat her because they knew no one would believe otherwise. After the guilty verdict, Tom was shot and killed by a police officer while in jail, claiming that he tried to escape. First example of the problem of police brutality, in which African- Americans still face today.

Quote: "You never know someone until you step inside their skin and walk around a little." - Atticus

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20 Nov 2017
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jan 1, 1932
~ 92 years ago


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