April 1, 2024

jan 1, 1794 - Ride of the Lords of Spurs


Following the great drought which dominates Valendir throughout Therion Dawlight's late cycles of rulership, the nomadic inhabitants of the windswept plains (Those of Rówenvlader descent whom refused to flock towards the major urbanized folks among the plains) are left aside by the Eastern Crown as it concerns itself with tending to its more immediate subjects along the Sundrop Shores.

As the dry summer had been brutal to all of Valendir, not even the old stone-cities of the plains grant asylum to the weary riders when they realize that their nomadic lifestyle would be the end of the bloodlines. These few stronghold cannot spare the foodstuffs nor the space for the flocking hosts, as their sights are set upon strengthening their thinned east-faring trade routes (Only those villages closer to the Evercreed River are surrounded by rich, tillable farmlands, while the old Rówenvlader holdouts rely on the ability of their former inhabitants to swiftly chase and hunt what beasts once prowled the plains).

Shunned by those of their ilk (While more indebted to the Sunborn Crown, the inhabitants of the Plains-bound cities and villages are mostly of Rówenvlader descent), the leaders of the roving hosts gather together at the far site of the Stretch of Quite to deliberate on what may become of their kin. The Council is adjourned after three of the once high-born houses of the Kunen Ludka, Maloch, Mojmák and Rówsken advocate for regaining
their independence, reckoning the time of their forefathers, who tamed the plains before even the eastern men beached their prows along the dawn-wise shores. As their hosts are the greatest in numbers and the most well-stocked of all, the other Lords of Spurs rise in support of their common cause save for Lord Toksy Laneki who would swear himself to the Conclave at the ruins of Murablakten and not before.

Declere Maloch, Urusan Mojmák, Kolne Rówsken, Arkhan Grotsíp, Kasper Pratzka, Zagda Ischen, Dluga Kílln, Piarter Syrnok, Socka Dyawa, Radza Mínsch, Nacze Kowska and Toksy Laneki, the Lore-Appointed Twelve Horse Lords of the Vast Plains/Twelve Lords of Spurs, band together to ride on the plain-bound cities, overwhelming retaliating forces with the sheer numbers of their cavalry armsmen.

The recently crowned Feodoras Dawnlight, successor and elder-most son of Therion Dawnlight orders his armsmen to retreat after the thriving trade-city of Murablakten is sacked and razed in the span of five days, incapable as it is of withstanding a siege stranded in the plains, with little water and food in stock. At the Village of Sunfield, the King of the Sunborn grants freedom the riding hosts, who take for themselves the ruins of Murablakten to call their 'seat of power' (The term is used loosely in the case of the Conclave, as the city itself harbors no population within its borders since living in its vicinity is considered disrespectful to those hosts bound to its safeguarding. Only the Spur Lords may enter the ruined stronghold to seat along the cracked stone table at the city's keep). Murablakten is given the name of the Conclave of the Grassfolk by the Lords of Spurs, and they themselves take the name of "The Twelve Hosts".

The Twelve Hosts are: Maloch's, Mojmák's, Rówsken's, Grotsíp's, Pratzka's, Ischen's, Kílln's, Syrnok's, Dyawa's, Mínsch's, Kowska's and Laneki's.

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2 months ago
Universal Timeline of the Existence


jan 1, 1794
~ 230 years ago
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