July 1, 2024

jan 1, 1599 - Shakespeare and the Globe


Some of Shakespeare´s most famous plays were first performed at the Globe. Theatre, where he worked as a playwright and a minor performer. The Globe was built on the south bank of the River Thames in 1599. At that time London was growing fast. Most Londoners worked hard to make a living and in their precious free time, they liked to be entertained. In 1612, during a performance of Shakespeare´s play “King Henry the Eight”, the special effects caused a disaster. A stage cannon was let off, and burning wadding from it stuck in the thatch of the roofing, setting it alight. The audience of almost three thousand people escaped unhurt, except for one poor man whose breeches caught fire. Luckily, he was able to put out the flames with a bottle of ale: but the Globe was not so lucky, it was completely destroyed. However, money was raised to build a second Globe on the remains of the first, and Shakespeare, who was wealthy and famous by this time, became a part-owner of the new building. It continued in use until 1642, when all the London theatres were closed because of the Civil War. It was finally pulled down in 1644.

In the United States, where over a hundred Shakespeare festivals are held each year, several theatres were named after the Globe, the most famous being in Oregon and Utah. Britain had to wait longer for its Globe. In 1970, the American actor, Sam Wannamaker, founded the Shakespeare Globe Playhouse Trust. Building began in 1987 from plans based on the remains of part of the original Globe´s foundations were found. The reconstructed Globe opened for its first season in 1997. Sadly, Sam Wannamaker died before the work was completed. Today there is a Globe Theatre on the south bank of the Thames. This is as close as we can come to the theatre where Shakespeare first created his magic. It stands as a tribute to Britain´s greatest playwright.

Added to timeline:

21 Feb 2019


jan 1, 1599
~ 425 years ago
