April 1, 2024

jan 1, 1880 - Malaria


Malaria is an ancient disease and Mal'aria means bad air. The disease was thought to be acquired from bad, stagnant air near swamps and marshes. It comes from Protozoan parasites that are single-celled but complex, eukaryotic (nucleus and other internal compartments), and sexual & asexual reproduction. Infected mosquitoes bite a human which can inject as few as 50 sporozoites. Sporozoites move to the liver within 60 minutes and divide rapidly in the live (asexually) making >10,000+ new offspring. Parasites go back into the blood stream and infect red blood cells and multiple more merozoites. Cycles of replication/destruction of RBC creates cyclic fevers. Some merozoites turn into male or female gametocytes that get ingested by female mosquitoes. Every ten seconds someone dies of malaria and the majority are children that are under five years of age. Cerebral Malaria is most common in children and has a 20% mortality rate. Less than 10% of children surviving have neurological complications. This is a result of seizures and commas. The initial symptoms of Malaria are fever, chills, sweats, headache, body aches, muscular pain, nausea, and vomiting. The symptoms of Cerebral Malaria are irritability, confusion, convulsions, and coma. Prevention for Malaria can be known as the ABCD Awareness:
A(wareness):recognizing Malaria
B(ite prevention): controlling mosquitoes
C(hemo-prophylaxis): use preventive mediation
D(iagnosis): early recognition

Added to timeline:

14 Dec 2018
Diseases and The History of Them Among The World


jan 1, 1880
~ 144 years ago
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