April 1, 2024

nov 13, 2030 - Foxtail confronted


Scorchflower has another dream about death, except this time she confronts Foxtail instead of going along with the scenario. Foxtail is surprised, and Scorchflower demands answers. He says he was the HighClan deputy and a loyal warrior, but betrayed Truestar when he found out about the affair. He and Truestar both were not good enough to go to StarClan, but not bad enough to go to the Dark Forest. They remain as "reapers", cats who take spirits to StarClan or send them to the Dark Forest. He also reveals that Truestar is the one growing the garden for her. Scorchflower yells at him to do his job instead of torturing her, but he says the dreams are an important part of his job. Because they sensed her burning desire to help others and her grief over losing cats she never knew, they decided she would be the one to stop Cloudstar's greed and gave her the tools she would need to do so. One of them was the dreams, letting her know of futures she could change. Scorchflower starts to understand, but is still angry at Foxtail. She says she might forgive him one day, but not today. He says she shouldn't forgive him, but that she should rise up and forge herself into a cat that didn't need forgiveness.

Added to timeline:

11 Dec 2018
Flowers Timeline


nov 13, 2030
~ 6 and 6 months later
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