June 15, 2024

dec 15, 2020 - Jupiter conj. Saturn


Jupiter conjunct Saturn transit is a time of opportunity, growth and good fortune. You have reached the end of a phase of life and will feel like you have to advance to a higher level. You may have a feeling of completion or contentment with your achievements thus far. Perhaps you realize you can go no further in your current career or just feel like a new challenge.

This is happening after my Jupiter return and both Saturn and Jupiter will be in my 9th house. It's likely at this time, I will be read to break free from the chains around me before. Perhaps I was working a lot to make money, or something else was consuming my energy. Now I'll be ready for freedom and to expand my horizons.

You may find barriers to your progress which you need to climb over or go around. But if you have planned well, are self-employed or have a lot of freedom, you could grow within the existing structures of your life. Either way, you will be breaking through barriers or expanding within larger boundaries.

Whatever obstacles I am experiencing in terms of expanding my horizons will be easier to pass and boundaries will expand. Could be a great time to grow spiritually through hobbies.

This is a time of greater self-awareness when you may realize you are not content with things as they are. Too much responsibility, a boring job, stifling traditions and rules, not enough time or a demanding boss or partner may become too much to cope with. You may even realize that your own fears and inhibitions are holding you back from happiness and success. If so, this transit will cause you so much frustration that change becomes inevitable.

Can also be a great time to weigh ideals with what I consider necessary.

Even if you don’t feel restricted you will still seek greater freedom and prosperity. Fated events, lucky breaks or deliberate actions will create opportunities for personal and professional growth. This could involve higher education, the law, religion, spirituality, long distance travel, a new career or a new relationship. This might be a good time to borrow for an investment property, to buy your own home or to renovate. Perhaps you could get financial backing to start or grow your own business.

Added to timeline:

5 Apr 2020


dec 15, 2020
~ 3 years and 6 months ago