June 15, 2024

23h 59min, dec 31, 1999 y - The 2000 "Apocalypse"


With the constantly increasing use of technology, society started to fear the turning of the millenium—purportedly due to the fact that three zeroes were used to end a line, and people believed that the computers controlling the stock market would crash, since the date would have three zeroes in a row.

This caused a significant sum of money to be poured into updating the computers and coding languages to be compatible with the year 2000. Nowadays, people believe that it would not have caused that big of an issue; that it would just say the year is 2. However, the major technological overhaul still considerably improved computers.

This is where the saying "Party like it's 1999" comes from

Also, did you know:
The U.S. naval site displayed 192000 for the year
A major operation actually did go wrong (only one), as a nuclear power plant temporarily went down in Japan

Added to timeline:


23h 59min, dec 31, 1999 y
~ 24 years ago