April 1, 2024

jan 6, 801 - Rashid was killed by the Abbasid


Idris I bin Abdullah, a descendant of Ali RA, Idrisid government which lasted until the year 364 H / 974 M. In Muslim history, Idrisids is a first Shiite dynasty. This dynasty was against the Caliph Harun Ar Rasyid of the Abbasid Dynasty in Sunni-Baghdad because of different school which is as a Sunni, Shiites may have a big difference if compare with Sunni. Because of that, the relations between caliph in Baghdad and Idrisids were bad. Later, Idris I were killed by Sulaiman As Sammakh who was an Abbasid agent. He killed Idris I with poison. Idris I did not leave the male heir, shortly after his death, his concubine Lalla Kanza bint Uqba al-Awrabi, gave birth to his son and successor, Idris II. Former Arab slave or known as Idris’s friend, named Rashid raised the boy and took his own district of the district, on behalf of Awraba. Idris II never met his father and he was said as a good learner. At the age of four, he can read and when he was five, he can write and at eight, he knew the Qur’an very well. So, it clearly seen that Rashid take care of him in a good way so the Abbasid aim him to be killed. He is Idris I’s bestfriend. After Idris I died, he take a good care of Idris I’s child named Idris II. He was killed when Idris II at the age 10.

Added to timeline:


jan 6, 801
~ 1224 years ago