April 1, 2024

oct 10, 537 - San Vitale


Ravenna, 526-547

Construction on the church began before Bellisarius had seized control of Ravenna, but most of the interior decorations were added in the 540s while the conquest was being secured. Built on the site where Vitalis was martyred according to tradition.

Form: central plan with an octagonal nave from which the apse extends, adding an element of the elongated basilica plan. Exedrae push from the nave into the ambulatory, unifying the space. A gallery overlooks the nave. The clerestory is capped with an octagonal lantern.

Choir Mosaics: on the walls of the choir, mosaic scenes from the Old Testament in the lower register sit below, literally supporting, representations of the Evangelists writing the New Testament. Old Testament scenes relate to sacrifice and offering (Abraham hosting angels, Abraham with Isaac, Abel and Cain, and Melchizedek)

Apse mosaic - the Second Coming of Christ: Christ is shown enthroned in a golden space representing eternity. He is flanked by earthly figures, including Ecclesius offering a model of the church with veiled hands and St Vitalis accepting the crown of martyrdom with veiled hands.

Justinian and Theodora with attendants, on opposite walls of apse: Although they never visited here, these mosaics serve as imperial propaganda. The images show the emperor and empress processing towards Jesus enthroned with the Eucharistic offerings of bread and wine. In accordance with his Codex, Justinian is shown as a vice-regent of God: his position in the procession demonstrates that his authority is equal or superior to that of the bishop. Justinian is represented as the head of Church and state.

relevant terms: exedrae, Codex Justinian, gallery, lantern, clerestory

Added to timeline:

8 Dec 2018
Early Christian and Byzantine Art


oct 10, 537
~ 1487 years ago


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