dec 8, 1504 - The establishment of Oran Fatwa
As previously mentioned, the Muslims suffered through intolerant and harsh policies under the commandment of the Catholic rulers who forced them to convert to Christianity. Despite that, they still preserved their existing traditions such as dress, language, ceremonies as well as Islamic religion which they practised secretly even though they had professed themselves to be Christians. This was when the Oran Fatwa came into existence after being initiated by Abu al-Abbas Ahmad ibn Abi Jum'ah al-Maghrawi al-Wahrani, a Maliki jurist who studied in Oran. The fatwa was created in light to the forced conversion which occurred in Castile between 1501 to 1502 and functioned as Islamic legal opinions that allowed the Muslims in Iberian Peninsula to conform to Christianity outwardly while performing Islamic practices in secrecy to avoid being exiled. The event is seen as important because the execution of the fatwa has lightened the burden of the Muslims who were treated with harsh and strict policies without being given the freedom of religion.
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