April 1, 2024

jun 15, 1215 - Magna Carta


The words Magna Carta mean Great Charter. The signing of this confirmed certain traditional rights and, by implication, promised not to violate them again. Most of the rights that were being violated were feudal privileges, enjoyed only by feudal nobility. The principles outlined in the Magna Carta were important in the later development of constitutional government where government should be based on the rule of law. The Magna Carta is considered one of the most important early examples of a written statement of law limiting the power of a ruler.

This affected the US Government because American colonists found that in the King’s promise not to levy certain feudal taxes without the consent of “our common counsel of the kingdom” the principle of no taxation without representation and consent. The statement "except by the lawful judgment of his peers and by the law of the land" explained the principle of due process of law, which means that no government could take action against those it governed except by settled and generally agreed on procedures and rules. Finally, the Magna Carta said that certain basic rights may not be denied by the government and that the government should be based on an agreement or contract between the ruler and the people to be ruled.

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jun 15, 1215
~ 809 years ago