June 15, 2024

jan 1, 1630 - 1630 Puritans Arrive & Boston Founded


Despite a lack of food and 200 deaths during their first winter, the Puritans persevere. Although about 200 return to England and many of the original group scatter to found Roxbury, Lynn, and Medford or join others in Cambridge and Watertown, Boston continues to grow.

Within a year after the arrival of the first group, as many as 1,500 other Puritans follow. They lay out a first street, probably where Washington and Union Streets are now, and another, Tri-mount, now called Tremont. As you walk along current-day Tremont Street, you're following in the footsteps of the Puritans.

The colonists fail to foresee Boston’s growth, and instead of designing straight, logically laid out streets for the benefit of future generations, they loop their roads and lanes around every knoll, boulder, and hollow—a convoluted pattern that you will still see today as you wind your way around the oldest parts of Downtown Boston.

Also in 1631, public transportation begins in Boston with a family-run ferry service between Boston and Charlestown—thus becoming the first chartered public transportation in North America.

Added to timeline:


jan 1, 1630
~ 394 years ago