June 15, 2024

'A Certain Doom' (The Walking Dead: Volume 28) (9 ч 6 окт 2008 г. – 20 ч 7 окт 2008 г.)


- Day 1906 > 1907
- The Militia return to Alexandria, Beta sends in the super herd and ends the war.
- Andrea's group leave to divide the herd, it reaches Alexandria and breaks inside, Negan saves Rick's life.
- The Hilltop caravan arrives at Alexandria and witnesses the breach.
- The residents of Alexandria hide, Rick and Negan discuss the worst things they've done.
- Andrea's group leads part of the herd away, Rick and Negan attempt to kill a few roamers.
- Carl rallies the Hilltop to help thin the herd, the Saviors prepare to make their move.
- Rick saves Negan, Siddiq finds Eugene's radio.
- Andrea's group leads part of the herd into to the ocean, Alexandria fights back on the inside.
- The Saviors make their move, Eugene is surrounded and saved by Andrea who gets bit.
- Rick and Sherry talk alone, Sherry tries to murder Rick and is accidentally killed, Andrea returns and reveals her bite.
- Andrea explains what happened and gives Carl her last advice.
- Everybody spends some time with Andrea.
- Rick blames himself for not being able to save her.
- Andrea says goodnight to Carl, Rick stays by her all night.
- Andrea Grimes assures Rick that he has what it takes to carry on before passing away, Rick almost kills himself.
- The Saviors find out about Sherry's death, Negan diffuses the situation and sends them home.
- A large funeral is held for Andrea, Gabriel, Paula and everybody else who died.
- Rick sleeps on Andrea's grave.

Добавлено на ленту времени:


9 ч 6 окт 2008 г.
20 ч 7 окт 2008 г.
~ 35 hours
