June 15, 2024

'Life And Death' (The Walking Dead: Volume 24) (6 ч 23 авг 2008 г. – 16 ч 11 сент 2008 г.)


- Day 1862 > 1881
- Rick meets with Ezekiel at Oceanside.
- Michonne returns from her time on the ocean.
- Maggie learns of Carl's dissapearance, Carl is taken in by Alpha.
- Maggie and Jesus discuss Gregory's fate, Carl arrives at the Whisperer camp.
- Maggie speaks to Tammy Rose and concludes that Gregory needs to die.
- Negan is given a bath and a haircut, his cell door is accidentally left open.
- Dwight doesn't want to lead the Saviors, Negan never left his cell.
- Rosita announces her pregnancy, Rick scolds Olivia for Negan's cell.
- Rick explains to Andrea why Negan needs to live.
- Andrea wakes up and manages the final preparations for the fair.
- Maggie publicly executes Gregory.
- Alpha questions Carl on how he's survived.
- The fair begins at the Alexandria Safe-Zone.
- Maggie and Jesus tell Rick the news about Carl.
- Rick, Andrea, Michonne and Dante go out to find Carl.
- Alpha blends into the fair and learns about the communities.
- They encounter the Whisperers, Rick reunites with Carl.
- Alpha returns with a bloodied machete and shows Rick the super herd.
- Alpha exiles Lydia to live with the communities.
- Alpha marked the border with the heads of twelve innocents, among them Rosita and Ezekiel.

Добавлено на ленту времени:


6 ч 23 авг 2008 г.
16 ч 11 сент 2008 г.
~ 19 days
