June 15, 2024

Stanford Western Civ #1 (4 фев 1935 г. – 23 апр 1968 г.)


"Stanford initiated its first such course in 1935 under the title Western Civilization. Administered by the department of history (an arrangement used in many other universities), this required first-year course utilized materials developed at Columbia, including, for some years, a source book prepared by the Columbia staff for its own students. In view of the recent controversy over the core list, it is significant that Stanford's earlier course did not even have a stipulated reading list, but simply relied upon the large number of texts (several times more than the core list of fifteen, though often only snippets of famous works) included in the Columbia anthology. By stressing texts rather than commentary, these courses attempted to make students feel that they were directly experiencing the sources of what they were meant to call their own civilization......Stanford's Western Civilization course lasted until the campus disturbances of the late 1960s when, like many liberal-arts requirements at Stanford and at other American universities, it fell victim to sentiments voiced by students and faculty members alike that students should feel free to choose their own courses. Yet despite the fact that it had declined in quality during its final years, the course still evokes considerable nostalgia from Stanford alumni, who often cite it as a high point in their educational experience." (Herbert Lindenberger)

Добавлено на ленту времени:

7 окт 2022


4 фев 1935 г.
23 апр 1968 г.
~ 33 years