June 15, 2024

The Fifth Grotian War (10 ноя 1175 г. – 28 июн 1205 г.)


Grotian, (supported by Daprania) vs Olumia, Iatral, Oshiviis, (supported by Klertik)
Originally called the War of Olumia, the conflict started out with the independence of the Kingdom of Olumia from the Second Grotian Empire. The King of Olumia, King Issda Gotorga, was related to the King of Iatral, King Axa the Scholar, through the marriage of their children. Iatral joined the war on the Olumian side and called Oshiviis into it by saying that Grotian was attacking Olumian Xiats.

The war is often called the 30 Years War and due to its length, massive death and chaos enveloped Southeastern Yueroki. The conflict also distablized Grotian and after the war, Iatral filled the political void left by the Empire.

Olumian Victory
Olumia gains independence, Iatral annexes the Narath Duchy, Meluv Barony, and the Nuttaq Territory, Grotian Empire collapses, reestablishment of the Grotian Kingdom, establishment of the Iatral Empire.

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16 дн назад


10 ноя 1175 г.
28 июн 1205 г.
~ 29 years