June 15, 2024

Panama War (29 апр 1885 г. – 28 фев 1887 г.)


Also known as the Chilean-American War, the Panama war was a result of a breakdown in diplomatic relations between the United States [as well as their minor allies] and the allied forces of Chile, Colombia and Ecuador.

Following Colombia removal of troops in Panama, a rebellion flared up to try and gain Panama independence. The United States, occupied the city of Colón in April and Chile sent their best ship to Panama with orders to stop the annexation of Panama by the United States by any cost. A miscommunication would result in the Battle of Panama, which was a devastating loss for the United States.

Additionally, past Chilean expansion in the War of the Pacific and prevention of the US base lease in Chimbote created an Anti-Chilean attitude in the United States. While the US had a larger Atlantic navy, Chile had already proved itself as the primary pacific power in the Americas and with no way to get to Chile, America was in trouble.

Chile on the other hand completed a series of successful naval campaigns along the US, Central American, and North Mexican coasts, bombing many cities. Eventually, after it was clear that the US had no way to project power to Chile, they admitted defeat.

The Treaty of Colón was fairly kind to the US; giving Colombia gained the disputed Serranilla Bank and Bajo Nuevo Bank. While Chile gained basing rights in various US cities in the Pacific.

Добавлено на ленту времени:


29 апр 1885 г.
28 фев 1887 г.
~ 1 years and 10 months