June 15, 2024

'Fear The Hunters' (The Walking Dead: Volume 11) (16 ч 31 авг 2004 г. – 6 ч 6 сент 2004 г.)


- Day 409 > 415
- Andrea discovers a van full of mattresses that works.
- Ben murders Billy but doesn't "hurt his brains".
- They discuss what to do with Ben and meet father Gabriel Stokes.
- Carl kills Ben.
- A group watches the survivors from the trees.
- Dale is attacked by a roamer.
- Andrea is hunted in the woods.
- Dale is kidnapped by the Hunters.
- Michonne asks Rick about Morgan, Andrea searches for Dale.
- Eugene and Gabriel talk about God, they give up the search for Dale.
- They reach the sanctuary of Gabriel's church.
- Dale's leg is eaten by the cannibalistic Hunters.
- Michonne talks with Morgan, Andrea prays for Dale.
- Dale is dumped outside the church, Glenn is shot in the leg.
- Dale explains himself to Andrea, they plan to confront the Hunters.
- The survivors mutilate and slaughter the Hunters.
- The survivors remorsefully return home, Dale forgives and thanks Rick for everything.
- Dale passes away and is shot by Andrea to prevent reanimation.
- Dale is cremated, Carl admits to killing Ben.

Добавлено на ленту времени:


16 ч 31 авг 2004 г.
6 ч 6 сент 2004 г.
~ 6 days
