June 15, 2024

George Frederic Handel (23 апр 1685 г. – 30 март 1759 г.)


Leading composer of the 18th century.

- An international superstar in his own lifetime, he is the first composer whose music has never fallen out of favour.
- German composer (born in Halle). Went to Italy in his twenties, then moved to London in 1710.
- Had numerous aristocratic patrons as well as the support of the British royal family.
Wrote music of all genres, but was especially well known for his operas and oratorios.
- Composed the music for "Rinaldo", the first Italian opera written specifically for an English audience

His career path
1. Halle
2. Hamburg
3. Italy
4. Hanover
5. London

Handel gets into financial difficulty wwhne there was more competition and a smaller audience for opera.... so what does he do?
See "Term: Oratorio"
and "Handel's Messiah"

Добавлено на ленту времени:

6 дек 2018


23 апр 1685 г.
30 март 1759 г.
~ 73 years