June 15, 2024

Hellenistic Period (12 ч 1 янв 300 г. до нашей эры – 12 ч 1 янв 100 г. до нашей эры)


The Hellenistic period comes from the word Hellenes, which is what the Greeks were known as. During the Hellenistic period, trade flourished and important scientific centers were established in cities like Alexandria in Egypt. In conclusion, the Hellenistic period saw the consolidation of Greek civilization even after the political decline, as well as some important new cultural developments. The Hellenistic Period fell because Rome came to power.
Qin- This dynasty followed the Warring States period in China after Shi Huangdi came to power and claimed the Mandate of Heaven. The Qin Dynasty regulated measurements and the language, they began the national census, and they began construction on the Great Wall. Shi Huangdi was very unpopular, as he was very violent, but peasant revolts didn't take place until after he was dead, which led to the next dynasty, the Han.

Добавлено на ленту времени:


12 ч 1 янв 300 г. до нашей эры
12 ч 1 янв 100 г. до нашей эры
~ 200 years
