June 15, 2024

'Amid The Ruins' (The Walking Dead: Season 2 - Episode 4) (3 ч 30 мин, 29 ноя 2005 г. – 8 ч 2 дек 2005 г.)


Note: Tennessee is one hour behind Washington D.C. All events in the timeline are in Eastern Standard Time to accommodate for where most of the timeline is set.

- Day 864 > 865/867
- The group walks through the herd and all hell breaks loose.
- Jane helps Clem and Rebecca walk through the herd.
- Jane, Clem and Rebecca arrive at Parker's Run and find Mike, Bonnie, Kenny and Sarita (determinant).
- Clementine and Jane look for Luke, Sarah and Nick (determinant).
- Luke and Sarah are alive, walkers breach the trailer and Sarah is left behind (determinant).
- Clementine checks up on Kenny, Rebecca's water breaks.
- Clem and Jane look for shelter, they encounter a Russian named Arvo.
- Clem, Bonnie and Mike find fresh water and blankets for the baby.
- Rebecca goes into labor, walkers are attracted to the noise, Rebecca's baby is born.
- Jane leaves, Kenny wants the group to go to a town first thing tomorrow, Rebecca needs to rest.
- The group are ambushed by the Russians, Rebecca turns and triggers a shootout, Jane returns, Arvo is kept hostage.

Добавлено на ленту времени:


3 ч 30 мин, 29 ноя 2005 г.
8 ч 2 дек 2005 г.
~ 3 days
