// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. Embargo Act (15 ч 20 мин, 15 дек 1807 г. – 10 ч 53 мин, 7 март 1809 г.) (Лента времени)
April 1, 2024

Embargo Act (15 ч 20 мин, 15 дек 1807 г. – 10 ч 53 мин, 7 март 1809 г.)


In response to the shift of British impressment of American warships, Jefferson closed all U.S. ports to export shipping in either U.S. or foreign vessels, and restrictions were placed on imports from Great Britain. The act was a hardship on U.S. farmers as well as on New England and New York mercantile and maritime interests, especially after being harassed by harsh enforcement measures adopted in 1808. Its effects in Europe were not what Jefferson had hoped. French and British dealers in U.S. cotton, for example, were able to raise prices at will while the stock already on hand lasted. This event was significant because it unified the American people against Jefferson’s act, which eventually led to the Act’s rescindment and replacement in March 1809. It also diminished Jefferson’s reputation to the American people since the act hurt so many merchants and farmers.

Добавлено на ленту времени:


15 ч 20 мин, 15 дек 1807 г.
10 ч 53 мин, 7 март 1809 г.
~ 1 years and 2 months
