June 15, 2024

'The Calm Before' (The Walking Dead: Volume 7) (21 ч 10 май 2004 г. – 6 ч 20 мин, 13 июн 2004 г.)


- Day 296 > 330 (Day 3 Flashback)
- Lori feels guilty about Shane, Rick remembers he has to prepare for the baby.
- Carol introduces herself to Alice, Billy invites Patricia to Maggie's wedding.
- Maggie and Glenn get married.
- Maggie and Glenn have marriage sex, Michonne cries to Tyreese.
- The group has a game of basket ball in the gym.
- Rick, Tyreese and Dale do a weapons check, they don't have enough ammo to defend the prison.
- A group go out to the National Guard station looking for weapons.
- Lori confesses to Rick about her and Shane.
- They get closer to Woodbury.
- They find the National Guard station.
- The survivors blow up the National Guard station, Andrea kills Bruce.
- Lori goes into labour, Billy and Dale go to power the generator.
- Judith Grimes is born, Dale gets bitten and loses his leg.
- Rick and Carl build Judith's crib, Dale wakes up.
- The group enjoys the weather and embrace their new lives.
- Rick and Andrea take a group to do target practise.
- They enjoy fresh food from their farm for breakfast.
- Andrea takes a group on the 'advanced' target practise, they bring in a roamer.
- Rick tries to put down the captive roamer.
- Carol commits suicide using the captive roamer.
- A funeral is held for Carol.
- Andrea prepares for an attack in the guard tower.
- Dale gets a prosthetic leg, made by Andrea and Tyreese.
- Glenn and Maggie try for a baby, Tyreese and Michonne have sex.
- The Governor attacks the prison for the first time, Axel and Andrea are injured, Rick is shot.

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21 ч 10 май 2004 г.
6 ч 20 мин, 13 июн 2004 г.
~ 1 months and 4 days
