// todo need optimize like in event.jsp. Add indexing or not indexing this page. THE FORMATION OF ALMORAVIDS DYANSTY (1 янв 1035 г. – 1 янв 1053 г.) (Лента времени)
April 1, 2024

THE FORMATION OF ALMORAVIDS DYANSTY (1 янв 1035 г. – 1 янв 1053 г.)


In 1035 until 1053-
An elder of Sanhaja set forth to bring religious orthodoxy to his people, his name was Yahya ibn Ibrahim and he journeyed across the great dessert to Mecca on pilgrimage, on his return from the hajj he was guided by scholars in first the Tunisian city of Qayrawan and then later in southern Morocco to bring back an expert with him, the man he choose was Abdullah ibn Yasin who was a theologian and a scholar of the Maliki legal system which advocated a very strict Sunni orthodoxy. However, when he got expelled he returned to a neighbouring Sanhaja tribe known as Lamtuna and with them he gained ground and found acceptance and with their help he set forth to bring order to what he perceived, his followers known as Al-Murabittun which means the one is ready for battle of fortress, and they were bound together to fight for religious duty. From the name of Al-Murabitun movement also known as Almoravids.
Abdullah was able to bring local tribe together and unite them. It was not always a peaceful endeavour some of them got slaughter along the way but now he had an army and was ready to expand. The Almoravids were pragmatic and formidable because they had to be these harsh surroundings.
In my opinion, this part is very important because it remarks the emergence of the Islamic Berber in North Africa. They had started the dynasty so powerfully and began to spread their influence until they reached to the Iberian Peninsula.

Добавлено на ленту времени:


1 янв 1035 г.
1 янв 1053 г.
~ 18 years
