June 15, 2024

Mengistu Haile Mariam (1 янв 1977 г. – 1 янв 1991 г.)


The Durg is a Marxist-Lennist military dictatorship that took power in the Ethiopian Revolution following the overthrow of Emperor Haile Selassie I in 1974, marking the end of the Solomonic dynasty which had ruled Ethiopia since the 13th century.

Mengistu did not emerge as the leader of the Derg until after the February 1977 shootout, in which Chairman Tafari Benti was killed. Multiple of his opponents were murdered paving the way for his power. He was the head of state of Ethiopia from 1977 to 1991 and General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Ethiopia from 1984 to 1991.

Mengistu influenced by Marxist advisors pushes new programs of socio economic reforms including land reform. In 1977-1978, he consolidated power in the Dreg administration and authorized a brutal violent crackdown on opposition groups and civilians following a failed assassination attempt. This is known as the Ethiopian Red Terror.

During the Ogaden War-1977-78.
The Soviets supported the Dreg in Ethiopia. The US supported Anti-Dreg groups as well as Somalia and Eritrea separatist.
The US and Soviets previously sold weapons to all but the Somalia invasion led the Soviets to stop all support to Somalia and fully support Ethiopia. Cuban troops also helped Ethiopia.

Somalia invasion the Ogaden region losing many soldiers and eventually lost the war with Ethiopia retaking territory.

The war left Somalia with a disorganized and demoralized army as well as a heavy disapproval from its population. These conditions led to a revolt in the army which eventually spiraled into the ongoing Somali Civil War.

Mengistu fled to Zimbabwe in May 1991

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1 янв 1977 г.
1 янв 1991 г.
~ 14 years
