June 15, 2024

Anseriformism (Duck-Duck Religion) (24 фев 2020 г. – 9 ч 28 мин, 16 июн 2024 г.)


Originated as a cult spread by Gage.
The cult praised a Russian duck (named Duck-Duck) that pumped iron in the early 1900s and eventually arose to the clouds to slay all of the gods (like Kratos).

Jake disliked it but, did nothing.
It gained <5 members.

Over time, the Cult became more of a normal-ish religion type community. They went from praising only 1 duck to praising all water-birds (with Duck-Duck still at the forefront).

As of 2024, the Anseriformites have became somewhat politically mixed. They protest against water pollution (for protection of waterfowls) & believe that libertarianism is beneficial for the people of Jakestown. Yet on the other hand, they are more authoritarian militarily & somewhat enforce certain traditions (EX: Passover, Christmas-like holidays, Earth Day).

Добавлено на ленту времени:


24 фев 2020 г.
9 ч 28 мин, 16 июн 2024 г.
~ 4 years and 3 months