July 1, 2024

The Northeastern Depression (19 ноя 1966 г. – 31 дек 1970 г.)


In 1966, Northeastern Yueroki (Ravos, Ecrad, Duyav Raderrah, and Etrill) was hit by a devastating economic depression caused by a disease affecting the staple crop of the area, barley. This caused massive migrations in Ravos and Ecrad to areas like Wargtof, The Iatral, or Sadon. However, Ravos was hit the least by the depression and was able to bounce back in the mid 1970s. While Ecrad and Duyav Raderrah, both two Haddakuist countries, would never fully recover after the depression ended due to the large amounts of people migrating away and the devastation caused by the economic blight. Grossya and Oipienta sent aid to Ravos which allowed for the country to speed up its recovery plan. For Ecrad and Duyav Raderrah, the UHSR sent aid to help them and because of the massive devastation within Duyav Raderrah, a request to be annexed by the UHSR entirely was submitted. Ecrad's aid only went to those in power and never made its way down to the people in poverty, causing much distrust in the Ecradii politicians by their own people. A coup d'état occurred in Acaseja by a local haddakusit militia. Initially it succeeded, planting a new type of haddakuist gov't that tried to leave the UHSR's sphere of influence but after about 4 months after coup, Ecradii soldiers who supported Lapaacteel (the former tiisapalat) overthrew the usurpers. This political chaos in Ecrad caused the country to dig itself deeper into poverty. To try to eleviate itself from poverty, the militia gov't tried to invade the Charrev Monarchy in August of 1968. The Ecrad Invasion of Charrev lasted from August 1968 to February 1969, resulting in the puppetization of Charrev to Ecrad. The war, however, did not lift the country out of debt and instead, pushed it further into its crisis. When the militia gov't was ousted, the national gov't began to quickly lose power to regional militias/political groups/local leaders.

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10 мес назад


19 ноя 1966 г.
31 дек 1970 г.
~ 4 years