June 15, 2024

Jubilee Yr (1 апр 468 г. до нашей эры – 31 март 467 г. до нашей эры)


Herod the Great and Jesus Chronological, Historical and Archaeological Evidence by Gerard Gertoux

468/467 -Ezra's text (Ezr 7:24) tells about a tax exemption in Artaxerxes' 7th year (Ezr 7:1-8), the year captives were released (Ezr 8:35). On this ground, Jewish authorities agree that Jubilees must be counted again from that date. Maimonides wrote in a treaty on this question: With Ezra remissions (shemitah) started being counted and after 7 of them the 50th year was sanctified. Even if the Jubilee was not observed [in the economical field, not in the liturgical one], those years were nevertheless counted for the remission to be sanctified

Добавлено на ленту времени:


1 апр 468 г. до нашей эры
31 март 467 г. до нашей эры
~ 1 years