June 15, 2024

War of Varus (1 сент 1 г. до нашей эры – 30 ноя 1 г. до нашей эры)


As reported by Ernest Martin, The War of Varus was no small skirmish. Rome brought in an estimated 20,000 troops from Syria, in addition to support personnel. It has been described as one of the most serious military operations to occur in Palestine between the time of Pompey (63 BC) and the Roman/Jewish War of AD 66/73! According to Ernest Martin, the war took place in Galilee, Judea, and Idumaea and began a little over two months after the death of Herod in January, 1 BC. The war took place in the spring and summer of the year of Herod’s death.

Josephus stated that The War of Varus was directed against the Jews by Quintilius Varus, the Roman governor of Syria and the namesake of the conflict. The final mopping-up of the war occurred in Idumaea – the southern part of Herod’s kingdom – by Gaius Caesar, the grandson of Augustus, who was sent to the region to help Varus with the war effort. This was in the autumn of 1 BC.

The war was fought because of three specific events: Herod’s death, the killing of two influential rabbis by Herod immediately before his death, and a Jewish rebellion and subsequent Passover massacre by government troops.


Herod the Great and Jesus Chronological, Historical and Archaeological Evidence

Shortly after Herod's death, Varus led a war to suppress revolts and used all the legions of Syria. This ‘war of Varus’ was conducted under the auspices of Caius Caesar, the imperial legate of the East whose cenotaph reports this unique war during the year of his consulship (starting on January 1, 1 CE). If Herod had died in 4 BCE, the intervention of Varus would have started 3 years later, that would be unlikely.

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1 сент 1 г. до нашей эры
30 ноя 1 г. до нашей эры
~ 3 months