June 15, 2024

Egypt Dynasty 0 Kings of Thinis (1 янв 2940 г. до нашей эры – 1 янв 2838 г. до нашей эры)



...if we compare the Sumerian chronology with the Egyptian and biblical ones, we see that the unified Egyptian state appeared suddenly (Dynasty 0 dated around 2940 BCE) just after the sudden collapse of the unified Mesopotamian state (dated about 2950 BCE). Moreover, the modes of administration as well as the form of the royal buildings were very similar, and sometimes identical.

1: Falcon (birth name Horus)
2: ? Crocodile (birth name Meseh) ?
3: ? Maces (birth name Hedju) ?
4: ? Both Ours (birth name Ny) ?
5: ? Stand (birth name Pe) ?
6: At the Front (birth name Hat)
7: Scorpion (birth name That)
8: Double Falcon (birth name Bikwy)
9: Guardian (birth name Iry)
10: Vital Force (birth name Ka)

We notice that the first king in this reconstruction was called Horus (ḥr) and that this name meant chieftain or falcon, which could explain why it was used as a title of royalty in the same way that the name Caesar later designated emperors.

By cross-referencing historical and chronological information with that from archaeological excavations it is possible to reconstruct the formation of Egypt as a state. The cities of Thinis and Memphis appeared suddenly after the Uruk expansion (c. 2950 BCE), the first “lord” of Thinis/Abydos was called Horus (ḥr), a word which means “falcon/above”. The kings who succeeded Horus added this prestigious name to their birth name (in the same way that the name Caesar was added to the names of the following emperors), which became their Horus name inscribed in a serekh. This first king of Upper Egypt was buried in the city of Abydos which became a royal necropolis for the following kings.

The notched façade of the city hall as well as its decoration with colourful geometric frescoes confirms that the one used by Narmer (mastaba S.3357) was built by Mesopotamians from Uruk.

There are three missing king's names (numbers 2 to 4) in this chronological reconstruction, but they could correspond to three names appearing in serekhs: Crocodile (msḥ), Hedju (ḥd.w) and Ny.


by Gerard Gertoux

If the 14C dates progress arithmetically in relation to the absolute dates of the reigns (for example 2800 /2657 = 1.05 %) it is possible to approximate the reign of the first king of Thinis around 2940 BCE.

It is possible to reconstruct the emergence of the Egyptian state if we consider the major role played by the mass migration caused by the language confusion (around 2950 BCE), called the Uruk expansion. The Mesopotamians (mainly from Babel) who spoke Egyptian moved up the Euphrates to Habuba Kabira where they built, by Uruk standards, a new city with a city hall at Tell Qannas, which served as a transit point to the Mediterranean. After building Byblos, according to the same standards, these Mesopotamians went up the Nile to a place where they built a city, surrounded by a large fortification224 like that of Habuba Kabira, which was called the “White Walls” (Memphis). They then sailed to a second location, Abydos, where they built a city hall (tomb U-j). Some Mesopotamians continued to sail on the Nile and founded villages, Naqada, Hierakonpolis, Elephantine and Qustul. The purpose of this city hall was to manage the property of the elite.

By cross-referencing historical and chronological information with that from archaeological excavations it is possible to reconstruct the formation of Egypt as a state. The cities of Thinis and Memphis appeared suddenly after the Uruk expansion (c. 2950 BCE), the first “lord” of Thinis/Abydos was called Horus (ḥr), a word which means “falcon/above”. The kings who succeeded Horus added this prestigious name to their birth name (in the same way that the name Caesar was added to the names of the following emperors), which became their Horus name inscribed in a serekh (Van den Brink: 2001, 24-100). This first king of Upper Egypt was buried in the city of Abydos which became a royal necropolis for the following kings.

Добавлено на ленту времени:


1 янв 2940 г. до нашей эры
1 янв 2838 г. до нашей эры
~ 102 years