June 15, 2024

The Mathyr Wars (23 июл 1945 г. – 8 апр 1959 г.)


PHASE I (Initial Rebellions): 1945~1948
Mathyrites (Grossyan support) vs Triple Brotherhood (Grossyan support) vs Bèstites (Grossyan support) vs Sons of Oosqii (Grossyan support) vs various smaller pro-Grossyan/pro-fascist rebel groups vs Xerri (Velzen + Pastoban support + anti-fascist militant groups)

PHASE II (Semi-organized Groups): 1948~1953
Mathyrites (Grossyan support) vs Triple Brotherhood (Grossyan support) vs Xerri (Velzen + Pastoban support + anti-fascist militant groups)

PHASE III (Total Warfare): 1953~1957

PHASE IV (Mathyr's Fight): 1957~1959
Mathyrites (Grossyan support) vs Xerri (Velzen + Pastoban support + anti-fascist militant groups)

There was no treaty to end the wars but instead a ceasefire agreement had been reached between Mathyr and Xerri which was signed in Olhorak Nisut (the agreement is called the Olhorak Agreement)

During the 5th Hells War, pro-Grossyan Fascist rebels began to revolt against Xerri. Multiple factions appeared such as the Triple Brotherhood, the Mathyrites, the Bèstites, and the Sons of Oosqii and they were all supported by the Grossyan Republic. Out of the four groups, the Mathyrites and the Bèstites were the most powerful, with the Mathyrites eventually absorbing the Bèstites in September of 1950. The majority of the fighting occurred around the city of Mathyr and Bèst with the Battle of Bèst destroying nearly 24% of the city and the Bèstite movement completely ended. However, the Mathyrites, since gaining control over the entire province of Mathyr, including the city of Bèst, declared independence from Xerri and was then backed by Grossya. Their independence was questioned or disregarded by the majority of Yueroki with only Grossya, Oipienta, Nuomdeim, Mecerek, and Southern Turroviq guaranteed Mathyr. The Republic of Mathyr, a pro-Grossyan fascist dictatorship, was run by the Mathyrite leader, See'iv Lipiqaas, positioned himself as the leader of the republic until a rigged election occurred on June 1, 1959. His closest friend, Quo Ssassqarii, an Arkossi-Grossyan politician, was selected as the vice president of the republic. During the Mathyr War, Ssassqarii led the Triple Brotherhood alongside Chassiq Tisis and Iidria Aalmaamb, and the Brotherhood held the lower portion of the Republic. However, before the Mathyrites took control of the Triple Brotherhood, Tisis was taken hostage during the Battle of Yeishia, and executed by Xerri volunteers. Ssassqarii, being a well-regarded politician, negotiated the alliance between the Mathyrites and the Brotherhood in order to help bolster the pro-Grossyan rebel movement.

The Triple Brotherhood had absorbed the Sons of Oosqii in 1948 and then were absorbed by the Mathyrites in 1957. The Mathyrites, now large and powerful, took on the full force of the Xerri army, keeping them at bay across the left bank of the Gorda River. in the late 1950s, the majority of the fighting had shifted away from the cities and from urban warfare to trench and guerilla warfare in the forests and fields between the Seposska and Gorda Rivers.

Large portions of foreign fighters participated in the Mathyr Wars and the Gorda War. Most of the ones who fought for Xerri had enlisted into the Xerrin Army to fight the pro-fascist and pro-Grossyan militants. Those who fought for the militants and the Grossyan army were either pro-fascist fighters, fascist extremists, pro-Grossyan rebels, and usually were paid soldiers and fighters for those fighting for Grossya specifically.

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17 дн назад


23 июл 1945 г.
8 апр 1959 г.
~ 13 years