June 15, 2024

The Xerion Uprising (13 ч 45 мин, 18 июн 1958 г. – 11 ч 1 ноя 1958 г.)


After a public referendum took place in Xerion, organized by its local government and voted on by its residents, the desire for municipal self-governance began. The referendum passed with 89% wanting independence, 7% wanting to stay dependent, and 4% not present. However, the vote was challenged first by the King of the Iatral, who after much persuasion, eventually gave into the notion of Xerion independence. The second to challenge the vote was the Mecereki Empire, who sent in its military to quell any and all protests or riots as well to stop the vote from happening.

Once the Mecereki military arrived in the city, they were greeted by various organized youth groups who took up arms against the invaders. They threw homemade bombs and used illegally imported Oslovian Aňosẽri Mentíri Sèmickã Oslova 1956 (AMSO-56) (similar to the AKM) to attack the Mecereki troops. Ukasian vodkas were also commonly used against the invaders and all of the rebels methods of war brought mass destruction to the city's streets. Although rebel forces were known for their destruction in Xerion, the Mecereki military did the most damage to both the city and its surrounding area. Dozens of bombing campaigns were carried out by the Mecereki air force to specifically target civilian supplies and farms. Thousands of people starved during the uprising because of the strategic bombings. Old and historic buildings, such as the Oipientixian Cathedral of Saint Domanstorov the Healer and the Kstorsi Hall, were severely damaged and destroyed.

Eventually through honorable actions carried out by the determined citizens of Xerion, the Mecereki military pulled out of the city and allowed the city independence. The defeat was extremely embarrassing for the massive empire and because of it, massive crackdowns began to be carried out on former Itian towns and settlements incase of rebellion. A curfew was put into place in these areas and the Mecereki Domestic military was deployed to "keep the peace". The Free City of Xerion began to rebuild and an airstrip was constructed outside the city which helped Oslovian planes deliver supplies for the Rebirth of Xerion project.

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30 дн назад


13 ч 45 мин, 18 июн 1958 г.
11 ч 1 ноя 1958 г.
~ 4 months and 16 days