June 15, 2024

Banishment a common sentence in France, but paired with supplice (26 окт 1755 г. – 24 окт 1785 г.)


"There was a considerable gap between [the] arsenal of [physical punishments] and everyday penal practice. Public torture was by no means the most frequent form of punishment. To us today the proportion of death sentences in the penal practice of the classical age may seem high: at the Châtelet during the period 1755-85 under 10 per cent of the sentences passed involved capital punishment: the wheel, the gallows or the stake (Petrovitch, 226ff); the Parlement of Flanders passed thirty-nine death sentences, out of a total of 260 sentences, between 1721 and 1730 (and twenty-six out of 500 between 1781 and 1790 - Dautricourt)... In any case, the majority of the sentences involved banishment fines: in a court such as that of the Châtelet (which dealt only with relatively serious offences), banishment represented over half the sentences passed beween 1755 and 1785. But many of these non-corporal penalties were accompanied by additional penalties that involved a degree of torture...every penalty of a certain seriousness had to involve an element of torture, of supplice."

Source: Michel Foucault. Discipline & Punish: The Birth of the Prison (1995). Pg. 32-33.

*Exact months & days not specified

Добавлено на ленту времени:


26 окт 1755 г.
24 окт 1785 г.
~ 30 years