June 15, 2024

Decrease of Criminal Punishment as Public Spectacle (22 сент 1791 г. – 20 март 1848 г.)


"By the end of the eighteenth and the beginning of the nineteenth century, the gloomy festival of punishment was dying out... In this transformation, two processes were at work. They did not have quite the same chronology or the same raison d'être. The first was the disappearance of punishment as spectacle... The amende honorable was first abolished in France in 1791, then again in 1830 after a brief arrival; the pillory was abolished in France in 1789 and in England in 1837. The use of prisoners in public works, cleaning city streets or repairing the highways, was practised in Austria. Switzerland and certain [sic] of the United States, such as Pennsylvania. These convicts, distinguished by their 'infamous dress' and shaven heads, 'were brought before the public... they were encumbered with iron collars and chains to which bomb shells were attached, to be dragged along while they performed their degrading service, under the eyes of keepers armed...' (Roberts Vaux, Notices, 21, quoted in Teeters, 1937, 24). This pratice was abolished practically everywhere at the end of the eighteenth or the beginning of the nineteenth century. The public exhibition of prisoners was maintained in France in 1831, despite violent criticism...; it was finally abolished in April 1848."

Source: Michel Foucault. Discipline & Punish: The Birth of the Prison (1995). Pg, 8.

*Some months & days in time range are approximate

Добавлено на ленту времени:


22 сент 1791 г.
20 март 1848 г.
~ 56 years