June 15, 2024

'Black Loyalists' in American Revolutionary War (1775-1783) (13 июн 1775 г. – 18 сент 1783 г.)


"Often, popular and official histories focus on a simplistic liberation narrative based on the freedom granted to some enslaved American Blacks during the American Revolutionary War of 1775-1783... Actually, the era was much more ambiguous, characterized by both the migration of newly emancipated Black communities and the migration of significant populations of enslaved Black men, women and children into Canada as the property of their white owners. During the 1775-1783 American Revolutionary War, the British promised to grant land and full equality to anyone who would pledge loyalty to the king and fight on the British side of the conflict. The Black American enslaved people who accepted this bargain are commonly referred to as the Black Loyalists. Represented simplistically as a British liberation of Black enslaved people, this act is widely celebrated as a demonstration of early British-Canadian tolerance and benevolence, particularly as compared to the United States...

Further scrutiny of the Loyalist migration uncovers a much less emancipatory narrative. Even the terminology 'Black Loyalists' has been contested. Historian Barry Cahill has pointed out that, in many cases, it was likely not loyalty to the British crown, but the desire to be free from enslavement and institutionalized racial terror that motivated and united most enslaved Blacks who escaped their masters and agreed to fight for the British (Cahill 1999)... "

Robyn Maynard. Policing Black Lives: State Violence in Canada from Slavery to the Present (2017). Pg. 26

*Month(s) & day(s) in time range approximate

Добавлено на ленту времени:


13 июн 1775 г.
18 сент 1783 г.
~ 8 years and 3 months