June 15, 2024

Second Oipientian Republic [Greater Fevak Commonwealth Puppet] (12 ч 5 ноя 1954 г. – 10 ч 1 сент 1965 г.)


Due to the mass destruction caused during the Fifth Hells War, the newly made puppet state of Oipienta struggled to regain its strength. Millions of people either died or left the republic during the war and the wreckage from the mass shelling and total war strategy from Fevakia forever impacted the economy of the republic. Oipienta went from being the largest superpower in Yueroki and in Mhelinist and then to one of the weakest most devasted nations in history. The infrastructure of Oipienta was almost nonexistant, with the rail roads being the most heavily affected due to the mass troop movements and sabotages from the Oipientians. This affected Oipienta's response during the War of the Black and Red when it was invaded by the Haddakuist Bloc.

Regardless of the mass destruction caused during the 5th Hells War, the demoralized and depressed Oipientian people were heavily susceptible to Tasak and his solidification of power. During the Postwar Period, Tasak hunted down his political rivals and sent them to his political prisons, such as the Arkek Prison Complex and Gwnapt Island Complex. Tasak warmed up to the leader of the Greater FEvak Commonwealth and consistantly tried to make his role with the various political leaders in the GFC more known. Tasak desired to have the GFC pay for the majority of the cost from the war and to help protect the weak nation from outside influence, specifically from the Haddakuist Bloc. The GFC helped fix the rail and road infrastructure but did not help with the factories or settlements destroyed by them. The economy of Oipienta was solely being held up by the GFC and the republic became dependent on their suzerain.

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12 ч 5 ноя 1954 г.
10 ч 1 сент 1965 г.
~ 10 years