June 15, 2024

Racist Immigration Policies (12 июн 1896 г. – 1 ч 4 мин, 17 июн 2024 г.)


"As of 1896, salaried immigration agents were employed to court would-be migrants from the United States and Europe, and white settlers in Canada were offered 160 acres of free farmlands (Mathieu 2012:27). While white settlers were proactively courted, the Canadian Department of Immigration invested significant government resources into proactively preventing Black migration. Officially, for diplomatic purposes, the government repeatedly denied that they would exclude any person on the basis of their race, but the reality on the ground was quite different. In the early twentieth century, would-be Black migrants who were fleeing racial terror inflicted by the Ku Klux Klan were subjected to unnecessary and unwarranted medical examinations to deter them at the border. Further, medical examiners were paid a government bonus for each Black migrant that they turned away at the U.S.-Canada border (Shepard 1997; Mathieu 2010: 42)...

The racist motivations behind demographic selection were seldom expressed in official documents, but lay hidden behind polite euphemisms, carefully crafted to avoid the outward appearance of racism. The official, publicized government position did not explicitly prohibit Black migration; it tended to focus on 'climate.' Climatic unsuitability was a quality attributed to Black peoples due to their connection to Africa despite their having already worked as slaves and free persons for hundreds of years in Canada."

*Period approximate.

Source: Robyn Maynard. Policing Black Lives: State Violence in Canada from Slavery to the Present (2017). Page 35.

Добавлено на ленту времени:


12 июн 1896 г.
1 ч 4 мин, 17 июн 2024 г.
~ 128 years