June 15, 2024

The Ecradii Revolution (8 ч 12 мин, 19 дек 1941 г. – 11 ч 44 мин, 26 дек 1941 г.)


Thousands of Ecradii Haddakuist Revolutionaries (EHRs) took to the streets of Acaseja and marched down to the Ministry of the Republic building in Central Acaseja. There, they overran the building, surrounding it, and arresting or killing the government officials within it. This was part of their overthrow of the Ecradii Republic and their idea of a Haddakuist Ecrad. When they reached Tiisapalat (President) Tiisii Lapaaciteel, they arrested him, publicly displayed him in women's clothing, and then killed him with a firing squad in V̇iizä Riimaa Tusä Square. After Lapaaciteel's death, the leader of the Ecradii Haddakuist Party, Secretary Aijal Mixxaavii, declared himself as the Acting Tiisapalat of Ecrad and converted Ecrad into the People's Haddakuist Republic of Ecrad.

Duirng the days following the Storming of the Ministry [of the Republic Building], government workers were tracked down in Acaseja and killed or arrested, only to be later sent to the Jaakii Mountains for forced labor.

Добавлено на ленту времени:

16 дн назад


8 ч 12 мин, 19 дек 1941 г.
11 ч 44 мин, 26 дек 1941 г.
~ 7 days